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Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris Bulan Oktober 2017

Lomba Debat Bahasa Inggris Bulan Oktober 2017

Halo teman-teman English debater sekalian, sudah siap untuk ikut lomba debat bahasa Inggris bulan ini? Yup, di bulan oktober ini ada lomba debat bahasa Inggris yang saying untuk kamu lewatkan. Penasaran ada lomba debat bahasa Inggris apa aja sih, yuk disimak informasinya.

1. Hasanuddin British Parliamentary

UKM DBI UNHAS mengadakan lomba debat tahunannya yang ke-7. Lomba ini adalah lomba open debate terbesar yang diadakan di Indonesia bagian timur, Sulawesi. Tema yang diangkat menjadi tagline lombanya adalah Develop Your Logic.

Informasi lomba

Date : 24th - 26th November 2017

Venue : Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Registration Fee (1 team + N1*) :

Early Bird: Rp. 350.000
Normal: Rp. 400.000
*N1 is optional but the registration fee will still be the same

Registration Info :

Early Bird : 4th - 18th October 2017
Normal : 19th October - 24th November 2017
Form : (The details of the registration is on our instagram page

Adjudicator Core

1. Boby Andika Ruitang (UI)
- ESL Grand-Finalist of WUDC (Malaysia 2015)
- 2x Breaking Adjudicator of WUDC (Thessaloniki 2016 & Dutch 2017)
- 3x Breaking Adjudicator of Australs (UT MARA 2013, Solbridge 2015, Perth 2016)
- 3x Breaking Adjudicator of UADC (NTU 2014, Bali 2015, Assumptions 2016)
- 5x Breaking Adjudicator of Asian BP (BIPEDS 2012, Beijing 2013, Borneo 2014, APU 2015, Krabi 2017)

2. Afdhal Anugrah Abdillah (UB)
- Grandfinalist of National Universities Debating Championship (NUDC) Mercubuana, 2016,
- Champion of NUDC Kopertis VII, 2016
- Runner Up of English Fiesta, UMM 2016
- Semifinalist of Gadjah Mada Debate Tournament 2016
- Breaking Judge of JOVED Bogor 2017
- Invited Judge of NSDC Kemendikbud 2017

3. Muh Fajar Nur (UNHAS)
- 2nd Runner Up of Pare-pare Debate Open 2015, South Sulawei, Indonesia
- 2nd Runner Up of Pare-pare Debate Open 2016, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
- Quarter Finalist Novice Category of Indonesian Varsity English Debate 2015
- Quarter Finalist Main Category of Indonesian Varsity English Debate 2016
- Runner Up of NUDC UNHAS Selection 2016
- Champion of EBEC UIN 2016
- Runner Up of EDSOTICS Unair 2016

4. Khatibul Umam (UNHAS)
- Runner Up EDSOTICS Unair 2016
- 5th breaking team and Novice best speaker NUDC 2016
- Semifinalist and top 10th best speaker EF Univ. Muhammadiyah Malang 2016
- Runner Up IVED Unpar 2016 Novice Category
- Champion and best speaker NUDC Kopertis IX 2016

Buat kamu mau daftar, masih sempet kok, pendaftarannya masih buka dari hari ini (19) sampai 24 Oktober. Semangat ya :)